Caldera PrimeCenter vs. Adobe Illustrator for Nesting

Reduce Media Waste with Nesting 

October 07, 2024

How Nesting can save you over 20% on material costs 

If you’re new to large-format digital printing, there’s much to learn. But one of the most important concepts you’ll encounter is nesting. Whether printing simple rectangular shapes or intricate designs, mastering nesting can help you drastically reduce media waste and optimize your production costs. 

Taking just two minutes to read this article will definitely be worth your while! 

What is Nesting? 

Nesting is the process of optimizing the placement of multiple items of varying sizes and shapes on a printing surface. By grouping different images onto a single printing material, such as a sheet or roll, you maximize material usage, reduce waste, and increase production efficiency. 

Nesting typically focuses on either rectangular or complex shapes: 

Nesting rectangular shapes
Nesting complex shapes

Note that Nesting should not be confused with imposition. Read our dedicated article to understand the difference between Imposition and Nesting. 

What are the benefits of Nesting? 

How to efficiently Nest your files before printing? 

Many large-format printing professionals manually prepare their print layouts by using design software like Adobe Illustrator. Of course, it works— but this manual method is not the most efficient. Setting aside the fact that the final result is far from optimized, manual nesting is a highly time-consuming process that cannot be scaled. There’s only so many files you can manually handle each day. 

Given the current demands of the printing industry—such as the rise of short runs, on-demand printing, and tighter deadlines—manual processes are now less viable than ever. 

Thankfully, there are more efficient solutions. Dedicated prepress software such as Caldera PrimeCenter can help to streamline the nesting process. Whether you’re dealing with rectangular or complex shapes, tools like PrimeCenter can automatically nest a large number of files in seconds. They also include a variety of settings to accommodate different projects.  

Adobe Illustrator vs. Caldera PrimeCenter | What is the best software for nesting?

In our comparison video, we demonstrate the difference between a manual and an automated nesting workflow. Manually nesting stickers in Adobe Illustrator takes several minutes, while PrimeCenter completes the task in just a few seconds. Even better, PrimeCenter achieves a more optimized result with 30% less media waste

Manual nesting in Adobe Illustrator

Nested layout made with Adobe Illustrator

Automatic nesting in Caldera PrimeCenter

Nested layout generated by PrimeCenter

PrimeCenter: the best Nesting software on the market 

PrimeCenter is a prepress software designed to help large-format printing professionals prepare their print-and-cut files more quickly and more efficiently. It features the most powerful nesting algorithm on the market, allowing you to generate optimized layouts in seconds. There’s no need to spend hours manually nesting files in your design software!  

With PrimeCenter, you can: 

  • Automate the nesting process to create optimized layouts in seconds 
  • Scale your production by nesting files per customer or media type 
  • Go further than just nesting: PrimeCenter is a complete prepress toolbox that can perform preflight checks, automatically add cut contours, print bleed, cut marks or annotations to streamline your entire print-to-cut preparation. 
PrimeCenter, prepress and nesting software

Discover PrimeCenter 

Do you want to speed up your file preparation process and reclaim your time? Are you looking to automate repetitive, low-value tasks? Do you need a solution capable of handling high production volumes? 

Contact us for a demo of PrimeCenter tailored to your specific needs! 

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